
易胜博欢迎不同背景的学生,并准备他们与他人一起过上有意义的生活,并为一个更公正的世界而努力. With our Jesuit identity at the core of our mission, we believe Loyola is well-positioned to become a national model of inclusive excellence. The 多样性 of our undergraduate population mirrors that of their generation. As the demographic composition of the United States evolves, we are evolving with it. However, being diverse is a necessary but insufficient condition of inclusive excellence.

所有洛约拉学生, 教师, 工作人员, 校友, 游客必须受到欢迎, 包括, 支持, 公平地承认. 当我们能做到这一点, we will reap the full rewards of 多样性: enhanced learning outcomes, more gratifying working and living conditions, and better preparation for effective global citizenship. With this goal in mind, the Diversity, Equity & 包容委员会制定了 2022 包容性卓越战略计划 that can be summarized by three overarching goals summarized below. 在每个目标中, 您可以阅读我们概述的具体战略,以及自启动该计划以来我们为实现目标所取得的进展.


符合我们的战略计划, 我们正在建立一个包容的易胜博,在这里,学生们会因为自己是谁而得到支持和拥抱.


  • 我们正在确保我们的学生有资源和报告工具可供他们使用,以建立一个安全的校园学习环境,他们可以公开表达自己,并与学校分享他们的意见. 
  • We are investing in improvements to our facilities that promote accessibility, 包括创建性别包容的浴室,并开设一个新的多元文化事务中心,该中心将成为社会正义和多样性倡议的中心.
  • We are making college expenses more equitable. 洛约拉大学的预算是80美元.500万美元的学生助学金, and 99% of our students receive some type of financial assistance.
  • We are working to eliminate race and class disparities in our retention of students, 我们不断努力提高我们的留校率和毕业率 大学的策略计划.
策略 取得的进展

Update and publish 罗耀拉的 Bias Incident Reporting Protocol, including information about the roles and functions of the Chief Equity & 包含官, 偏见应对小组, 监察员, 总学生操守主任, 介质, 和第七章调查员.

An assessment of the Bias Incident Reporting system began in the Fall; In Spring 2021, the updated protocols and clarification of duties will be presented to campus community.


Effort to enhance training of investigators began in Fall; With Chief Conduct Officer, will complete a needs assessment in Spring to establish more streamlined processes; Currently have four investigators to handle bias cases.

确定一个或多个训练有素的调解员,以补充洛约拉的大学监察员和首席学生行为官在调解教师之间的偏见相关冲突, 工作人员, 和学生.

This process will begin in Spring 2021 with assistance from 人力资源, 教务长办公室, 以及首席学生操守官


This process will begin in Spring 2021 with assistance from 人力资源, 教务长办公室, 以及首席学生操守官

发布可访问性协议,以便在中断和其他限制或阻止学生的紧急情况下使用, 教师, 以及员工进入建筑物的通道, 办公室, 教室, 和其他空间.


Publish reports of annual assessments of the accessibility of 罗耀拉的 buildings, 理由, 和空间. 包括改进计划.

In consultation with 访问教育, OEI将于2021年春季开始对校园进行全面审计,以了解存在的成功障碍.

Allocate funds annually to the Office of Equity & Inclusion to ensure 罗耀拉的 success in achieving the goals of this plan.

In addition to funds from the Office of the President, OEI目前正在从外部实体寻求资金(以赠款和私人捐款的形式),以支持办事处的目标


多样性的概念, 股本, 和包容 are built into our curriculum and training programs for students, 教师, 和工作人员.


  • 罗耀拉的 1项 offers multi-disciplinary courses with a focus on issues of race, 股本, 在秋季和春季学期之间的一个为期两周的加速项目中,它们适用于当前的问题和学术研究领域.
  • Through our Paws and Reflect orientation program, students engage in small group discussions starting in their first days on campus, reflecting on what it means to foster inclusivity at Loyola.
  • 我们正在培训我们的教师如何最好地教授和支持我们光荣的多元化学生群体. 平等与包容办公室将扩大以文化能力等主题为重点的研讨会和活动, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 同性恋的宣传, 性别代词, 和包容 for historically marginalized groups.
策略 取得的进展

开发, 与教务长办公室联系, 多样性, 股本, 包容, and social justice (DEISJ) learning objectives for Loyola students.

开设一月学期,所有课程(横跨多个学科)都围绕种族问题展开, 股本, 和包容.

Devise criteria for assigning Loyola courses a DEISJ designation, and create a database of existing DEISJ offerings.

与教务长办公室合作,加强和澄清哪些课程属于DEISJ分类. J-term has increased our number of DEISJ offerings.

Establish on-boarding DEI education and training programs for new students, 教师, 和工作人员证明洛约拉的机构承诺其使命,并传达了大学对易胜博成员行为的期望.

•目前有爪子和反射, 多样性和包容性的展示, that is given on demand to various organizations throughout the campus.

• Working to create additional 多样性 programs for community.

• Creating a new LGBTQ+ workshop that will complement our current training


Implement annual DEI training that informs 教师, 工作人员, 和学生洛约拉的机构责任和易胜博成员的权利和责任相对于标题IX(禁止性别歧视和不当性行为)和标题VII(禁止对联邦保护群体的歧视),并在洛约拉的歧视和骚扰政策阐述.


建立一个员工发展计划,包括研讨会和项目,以DEI主题的有意义的关键决策为特色.g., 包容 of historically marginalized groups that are not federally protected, such as LGBTQIA+ persons; cultural competency, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 等.).

该类别的第一个工作人员项目目前正在开发中,将于2021年2月进行初步介绍. 项目将重点关注LGBTQIA+问题.

建立一个教师发展计划,包括有意义的研讨会和项目, critical discussions of DEI subjects (e.g., 包容 of historically marginalized groups that are not federally protected, such as LGBTQIA+ persons; cultural competency, 内隐偏见, microaggressions, 等.).

该类别第一个针对教师的项目计划于2021年2月进行演示. 课程将侧重于性别代词.


Our 教师 和工作人员 represent the 多样性 of our community, and we prioritize financing and resources to realize our goal of inclusive excellence.


  • 洛约拉对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容 is featured prominently in all open positions, and we recruit proactively in employment resources accessed by diverse candidates. 我们发现,在2020 - 2021学年,被聘用的有色人种全职教师的比例同比增长了33%.
  • 洛约拉积极追求与供应商和合作伙伴公司被认证为弱势企业(DBEs)的关系, 这意味着它们是由社会和经济上处于不利地位的个人拥有和经营的.
  • Loyola is currently working with Mercer, 外部咨询小组, 完成一项全面的薪酬研究,以建立既具有市场竞争力又对所有员工公平的薪酬结构.
策略 取得的进展

Conduct national searches for all open academic positions. Advertise positions proactively in employment resources accessed by diverse candidates. 积极广泛招聘, utilizing personal and professional networks to expand reach to diverse audiences. 突出的特性, in job ads and throughout the application process, 洛约拉对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容.


进行区域性或全国性的搜索, 适当的, for all open executive/administrative and professional positions, 并在不同候选人访问的就业资源中主动发布职位广告. 积极广泛招聘,utilizing personal and professional networks to expand reach to diverse audiences. 突出的特性, in job ads and throughout the application process, 洛约拉对多样性的承诺, 股本, 和包容.

Successfully launched national searches for open positions that landed diverse hires.


In conjunction with the 教务长办公室 and 人力资源, planning for this work will be initiated in Spring 2021.

Offer DEI management training to all department heads and department chairs, covering topics such as 内隐偏见 in evaluation, equitable and effective employee development practices, 等.

This work started in the Fall with presentations to begin rolling out Spring 2021.
